February 4, 2008

Hey Potato

friends stopped over a few nights ago with their daughter tatum. she is the cutest 9-year-old i've ever met and cate really liked her. when they first arrived, cate was such a good hostess. she asked tatum if she would like to see her playroom and they wandered off quitely holding hands. 15 minutes later they were no longer polite little girls - instead they were crazed children running at mock speed through my house. in the midst of chaos, cate who wanted tatum to follow her, stopped in mid step and looked around. she paused for a second and called, "hey potato...come here".
i wanted so badly to laugh - but i didn't want to hurt tatum's feelings. i had a good chuckle after they had gone...i mean, "hey potato" - how funny is that?

1 comment:

Alec said...

Your blog is strangely depressing.

Thanks for sharing! ;-)