January 15, 2008

Growing Up

Ever since Cate has joined our little family, it's been obvious that time has played a cruel trick on us. I mean it's ridiculous how fast it goes...I remember being 13 wishing to be 16 so I could drive, and now I'm not sure where the last 3 years have gone. It's completely insane, but the realization has made me thankful for each moment, each conversation and every hug/cuddle I get from my sweet pea.
Yesterday as we were driving past a flooded (yes flooded) farm, I pointed out the high-water by saying, "look at that farm; it's flooded". Cate immediately responded by pointing out that I was wrong, and that we were looking at water NOT a flood. You gotta appreciate simplicity.
Anyway - the response made me think of how fast she's learning and growing and that she is no longer that itty bitty we brought home. :( It did, however, make me feel better when she said she would need her "lellow babing suit" in order to swim in the neighbor's farm. I made her repeat "yellow bathing suit" several times, just because it made me smile.
When they are gone, I will truly miss her mis-pronunciations - a sure sign that she is indeed growing up.

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